Agmatine Sulfate (아그만틴)

하루 1mg

우울증, 기억 등에 큰 도움을 줄 수 있음.
우울감에 특히 큰 도움을 줄 수 있음.
nmda 수용체 정상화에 역할을 한다고 함.

섭취하고나서 위염을 겪었다는 사례도 있어서 주의 필요.

I decided to spend a few hours researching the seemingly endless benefits of Agmatine Sulfate. Recently updated their dosage with a new study showing 2-3g/ day of Agmatine being effective in treating depression in 3 people. After complaining everywhere that the 500mg/day dose was too small to be effective, I'm proud to see my initial opinion be validated by science. I've been using for 6 months and it has cured my depression.

Promising results of Agmatine Sulfate:

Agmatine vs. anxiety/ depression:

Agmatine - learning & memory:

Agmatine vs. autism:

Agmatine vs. pain:

Agmatine & neuroprotection:

Agmatine vs. injury recovery:

Agmatine long-term safety:

Functions of Agmatine Sulfate:

Agmatine and testosterone:

Agmatine and Serotonin function:

Agmatine and NMDA antagonism/ glutamate action:

Agmatine and vasodilation (for muscle pump and, um, erections I suppose):

Agmatine is GABAergic and increases BDNF:

Agmatine Sulfate and tolerance: